South American Mean Monthly Temperature Time Series Data Sets
South American Mean Monthly Temperature
Time Series Data Sets

30 Minute Resolution

This map is a representation of mean monthly temperature within South America for January of 1960 (GHCN Version 2). This data set is in ASCIIGRID format and can be ingested into Arc/Info software with the ASCIIGRID command or into other geographic information system or cartographic software capable of ingesting a matrix of values to form a raster layer. This data is referenced to a geographic coordinate system and its units are in tenths of degrees celsius. All the data files within the timeseries can be downlaoded by decade in UNIX compressed tar format or Zip file format. The entire gridded time series spans from 1960 to 1991.

Sample Mean Monthly Temperature ASCII Data File:

NROWS  138
XLLCENTER -81.875000
YLLCENTER  -55.875000
CELLSIZE  0.500000
NODATA_VALUE  -9999.000000

-9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00
-9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00
-9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 26.80 26.90 27.00 27.10 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00
-9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00
-9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00
-9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00
-9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00
-9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00 -9999.00
-9999.00 -9999.00

Each value represents mean monthly precipitation values for each 0.5 degree resolution pixel. Values of -9999 are representative of no data.

Years Compressed Tar Archive Zip Archive
1960-1969 temp_1960-1969.tar.Z
1970-1979 temp_1970-1979.tar.Z
1980-1989 temp_1980-1989.tar.Z
1990-1990 temp_1990-1990.tar.Z

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