
A Regional, Electronic Hydrometeorological Data Network
For South America, Central America, And The Caribbean

Banco De Datos Del Agua
Sobre Sudamerica, Centroamerica Y El Caribe

by Charles J. Vörösmarty
University of New Hampshire (Durham NH, USA)

Carlos Fernandez-Jauregui
UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology (ROSTLAC / Montevideo URUGUAY)

Maria Concepcion Donoso
Water Center for the Humid Tropics of Latin American and the Caribbean (CATHALAC / Panama City PANAMA)

GOAL: Establish and test a prototype version of a World-Wide Web-based, regional hydrometeorological data bank (R-HydroNET v1.0) to support water sciences and water resource assessment in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean, using joint pan-American scientific and monitoring station information resources.



INITIAL CONTENTS:Version 1.0 of the data bank will target the assembly of existing hydromet data resources among the participating organizations. Some is already available in the public domain, while additional data reside currently at the participating organizations. All data will require assembly and synthesis into R-HydroNET. For data of a time-varying nature, monthly composite data will initially be assembled. Some examples of data to be included:


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